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Policies and Procedures

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Policies and Procedures

The following information is provided to answer questions you may have regarding school procedures at Burnet. Topics have been arranged in an alphabetical manner. If there is a topic that has not been covered, please request information from the office personnel or make an appointment to speak with the principal.


Regular school attendance is extremely important to your child's education. Students are allowed to go to classrooms at 7:55. Breakfast is served in the classrooms from 7:55-8:15. All students are expected to be in their classrooms by 7:55 a.m. Students arriving after 8:20 will be considered tardy and must go to the office with an adult to sign them in for an admittance slip. State law requires that students be in attendance 90% of the days school is in session in order to be eligible for promotion. Students not in attendance 90% of the school year are required to file a petition for credit at the end of the school year in order to be eligible for promotion. Students failing to meet this 90% requirement at any time during the year may be required to make up this time by attending after school and/or Saturday tutorials, as well as summer school in order to be eligible for promotion.

Students absent more than five days without a doctor’s excuse will be referred to a G.I.S.D. social worker or G.I.S.D. police. Excessive absences as deemed by the administrator in charge of attendance may result in a referral to the court system for violation of the Texas Compulsory Attendance law.

Parents must send a note of explanation to the office within three days of a student's absence in order to be eligible for an excused absence. Absences will be excused for personal illness, death in the family, extreme weather conditions making travel to school hazardous and religious holidays. If a note is not received within three days the absence will be unexcused. The note should be given to the Attendance Clerk when the child returns to school.

Children arriving to school after 9:30 a.m. will be counted absent for the day unless they have a doctor’s appointment note. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments at times that will not affect your child's attendance. Official school attendance is taken at 9:30 a.m. Students who leave school for a doctor's appointment and return the same day with a doctor's note will not be counted absent.

Parents/guardians must provide a doctor’s note for a student who is absent for more than 5 days. Children who have been hospitalized must bring a doctor’s release upon returning to school.


Third and fourth grade students will be given an agenda that will serve as a communication tool between the parent and teacher. Students will be required to write down homework assignments and reminders. Parents must sign the agenda daily. This agenda may serve as a hall pass and is something students in 3rd -4th grade are required to have. Failure to have the agenda will result in loss of privileges such as recess, detentions, and lunch isolation. If a student loses an agenda, the student must pay $5.00 to replace the agenda.


The school day begins at 7:55 a.m. with breakfast in the classroom. Your child will be considered tardy after 8:20 a.m. After 8:20, your child will need an admittance slip from the office. SCHOOL STARTS AT 7:55 A.M.

Breakfast is served in the classroom between 7:55 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. We do not have supervision before this time. Unless your child is participating in TOR Kids or ACE program in the morning, we strongly recommend that children not be dropped off prior to 7:55 a.m. to ensure their safety. Burnet Elementary School cannot be held liable for any harm that may befall a student who arrives at school prior to this designated time of 7:55 a.m. Students may enter the building at 7:55 a.m. Please have your children to school on time. School starts at 7:55 a.m. Daily school announcements are made prior to 8:15 a.m.

Assignment of Students to Classes

The principal and staff are responsible for the assignment of a child to a class for each school year. Much effort goes into this process and parents can feel assured that the best interest of the child is the main consideration. We appreciate your interest and input, but teacher requests cannot always be honored.

Automobile and Pedestrian Traffic Safety

If your child walks or is dropped off, be sure your child crosses at the intersection and NOT in the middle of the block. Stress to your child the proper route to take to and from school and the importance of reporting directly to school and returning home immediately after dismissal. Parents are reminded to drive slowly and carefully in the school zone for the safety of our children. Parking is prohibited in the red fire zone at the front of the building, the driveway and bus zone. Vehicles left in these areas are subject to towing.

During dismissal time, parents picking up children should stay in the car line and not exit your cars, pulling forward as appropriate. Parents need to post the sign with child’s name in the front window of the car. Double parking is not permitted. School security/personnel will monitor this.

Walkers can only picked up at gate 3C, behind the gym. Parents need to park in the neighborhood streets and walk to this door to claim their child. 

We appreciate following the rules and procedures for drop off and dismissal times. 

Bike Safety

Bicycle racks are located on campus in the front of the building for children to park their bikes. As a security measure, all children are urged to lock their bikes to the rack. Children are to walk (push) their bikes while approaching the campus, while on campus, and at all crosswalks.

Birthdays and other Celebrations

We appreciate a child’s desire to share his/her birthday or other special events for celebration. Designated school celebrations will be announced in the parent newsletter. Classroom treats (store bought cupcakes or cookies) may be brought to school and shared immediately after lunch only. Birthday cupcakes or cookies must be passed out outside during recess or in the student’s class per nutritional guidelines. Please let your child’s teacher know when you plan to bring treats for the class.


Breakfast is served from 7:55 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. daily in the classroom. Children will not be allowed to eat doughnuts or other types of snacks (potato chips, Doritos, etc.) during breakfast. Students arriving after 8:20 will not be served breakfast.

Candy, Snacks and Gum

Candy and gum are prohibited. Students will be asked to discard candy and gum, if they are found to be eating or chewing in the classroom. Snack foods are not to be brought or consumed without permission from the principal, teacher, or school nurse (for medical reasons only).

Cell Phones and any other form of Electronic or Audio Device:

Students are allowed to keep a cell phone in their backpack. The cell phone must be turned off between the hours of 7:55 a.m. and 3:55 p.m. Any cell phone that is turned on or in use will be picked up and sent to the office. Parents or guardians must pick up the phones from the office once they are taken up. The parents will have to pay $15.00 to get the cell phones or any other electronic device that was confiscated.