Special Education
What are some of Galveston ISD’s Special Education programs and services?
The continuum of instructional options and services offered by Galveston ISD include, but are not limited to, the following:
Itinerant services for students who need assistance in special areas such as vision, hearing or speech.
- General education classroom support (direct and indirect) which includes a variety of strategies to support integration into less restrictive environments.
- Co-teach
- Facilitated Support
- In-class support
- Supplemental Support for students who need more intensive support 2-3 times per week (Available at Specific Campuses)
- Resource services in schools for students who need special education assistance (Available at Specific Campuses)
- Self-contained services on campuses for students who need special education assistance (Available at Specific Campuses)
- Infant program for students birth through age two with hearing and/or vision impairments who can benefit from special instruction through home and/or center-based services.
- Early childhood programs for students ages three to five who require early intervention.
- Hospital/homebound program for students who are to be out of school for four or more weeks due to an accident, illness or have chronic illness.
- Regional Day School Program for the Deaf for students with hearing impairments who need specialized instructional and related services.(Provided off site through our cooperative GBCHI)
- Work training programs for students at the high school level supervised by a vocational adjustment coordinator (VAC).
- Transition planning to prepare students to exit public school.
- Employment assistance or support for students with significant disabilities who require assistance in order to be employed.
- Related services necessary to enable students to benefit from their special education programs. These include, but are not limited to the following:
- Counseling
- Special transportation
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Adaptive equipment/Assistive Technology
- Orientation and mobility training
Who can I call to get further information?
Contact your school principal, counselor or team leader or call the Office of Special Education at 409-761-3920.
Please note that Special education services are provided at all Galveston ISD campuses. Specialized programs and supports are strategically located throughout Galveston ISD for students in need of a specialized class placement If your attending campus does not offer the specialized program your child needs, Galveston ISD will provide transportation to the most appropriate program to meet the child's individual needs.
Jessica Edwards
Director of Special Education
Galveston Independent School District